poyo je lebih.
thats what i thought of myself when i said i wanted to write more frequently on this new space but somehow turns out just the same.
busy is not an acceptable reason anymore; my industrial project (IP) friends have backed-off a bit for me since its the hari raya festive. seriously friends, if i were to mati n idop smule pun..i dont think i'd be a happy lot to repeat this paper again. fuhh fuhh la mintak simpanggggg...!!hehe~
..and being a muslim thats celebrates hari raya they understand the 'want-ful-ness' in celebrating this raya to us (..do i..?hmmm...) and somehow got them to give me a lot of space to breathe. i repeat; A LOT.
not that i am not thankful about this. its just that i don't really celebrate raya. well, atleast not like anyone else i know of. enough already.
being able to sit back and rest for a while gets me the chance to think how much this subject have consumed most of my time this whole semester. i mean, i can't even find the time to pamper myself to the world of downloaded anime fansubs. at all!! what more to update and tell the world on what's happening to me and what my mind lingers about when they happened and whatever it had to do with anything else that's usually not related directly to.
surprisingly enough i have many different stories and many (i think) interesting topics to be discussed about but somehow none of them ever made it through the internet. funny when you think that you have nothing to write about but ends up with a 3-jengkal long nothingness that looked thats mashed up to look like something. something like what i'm trying to do here. hahaha~
i think this post just serves as a something to read thing for those who think they want to read something from me. hope this'll ease my brains out about this blog thing for a while.
and i think it makes a good warm-up post for my next (supposed to be) entries to come. there's 3 big posts in their drafting work. been week actually. nanti-lah.
till then,
samat ari raye to all~~
maaf zahir batin.