Monday, July 21, 2008

:: ezariq and the three elements ::

*gambar ni diambil sekitar sem lepas, di bilik sem lepas, berlatar belakangkan laptop sadam(tq dude!)*

sebelum apa-apa kamu kena berterima kasih kepada UM_WiFi_Kol yang macam bengong tu kerana menjadi punca aku ter-kembali bersemangat mem-blog. cerita panjang jadi pendek, post kali ni adalah post pertama aku menggunakan broadband sendiri di kolej kedua um. bukan itu sahaja, ini adalah hari log-in aku yang pertama dengan system baru(bagi aku) ni. memang baru; aku baru pergi ambil modem ni di maxis center cawangan baru sunway pyramid awal malam tadi. *haih*

masih dalam tempoh percubaan 7hari, jadi, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah bagaimana penggunaan internet tanpa wayar ni, okay?

dah lama sangat aku tak menulis, sampaikan orang dah bosan menunggu. habis pembaca-pembaca (banyak sangat ke?) aku lari. tapi takpe, aku boleh cuba mula semula.

kenapa setelah sekian lama, aku letak tajuk yang membawa maksud 'ezariq dan 3 unsur itu' kamu tanya? sebabnya mudah sahaja. aku sudah ada tiga unsur-unsur untuk menggalakkan aku kembali ber-blog. yang pertama sudah pasti; akses kepada internet(yang harap-harapnye boleh harap) melalui broadband. seperti aku tulis tadi, kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja.

unsur kedua terpenting; baby_blank aku sudah kembali beroperasi. (sukacita hendak dinyatakan di sini, itu adalah nama yang diberikan kepada komputer peribadi pertama aku). bukan nak dijadikan alasan, tetapi menaip post untuk blog sendiri menggunakan komputer awam(atau separuh awam) sedikit sebanyak membantutkan feeling mem-blog. aku tak pasti kalau kamu boleh tetapi aku memang tak dapat. harap maaf.

unsur ketiga; aku dapat bersendirian semasa menulis. yang ini biar aku sahaja yang faham.

post terakhir aku yang lepas ditaip bulan febuari lepas. 5 bulan lamanya aku tak menaip di internet, menceritakan tentang perkara-perkara yang berlaku dalam hidup aku. memang banyak benda yang dah berlaku dan kebanyakannya sangat menarik jadi aku sangat rugi sebab terlepas peluang untuk bercerita. mungkin bila aku rajin nanti ada post untuk menceritakannya di sini. atau mungkin tidak. mungkin kamu tidak peduli pun. lantak lah.

aku dah taknak janji-janji sangat dah sebab aku tak suka bila aku tak pegang pada kata-kata aku.

jadi dengan lafaz bismillah, aku harap lepas ni aku dapat naikkan post lebih kerap daripada kadar satu post untuk setiap 5bulan =)

have a nice day people!

p/s: now that sounds quite 'baku', don't you think? =P

Sunday, February 24, 2008

:: announcing ::

this is what i've been up to.
mari2 masuk..(here) =)
other than that, here are some things i (seriously) wish to do for this blog (if i have the free time and um's wifi does it's work);

#1 - make a change; maybe im going to selang-selikan my posts with bahasa malaysia and english. "bahasa warisan bangsa". saje nak gatal try. and i mean a whole post. not sure if im able to do this. tgkla nnt.

#2 - i'd like to write about my friends. remember friendster when people used to send testimonials on each other's site? that was looooong ago. well, this time i'll be writing about (almost) everything about that friend (that i could remember la). ofcourse i'll write about my blog friends first. and i'll try to include as many as i can get to write. but it has been put on hold sbb takut some might not like the idea, maybe privacy-wise. come to think about it, it is not that good of an idea actually. what do you think? kalo takde respon and you dont notify me then i'll just write, okay?

#3 - i'll use less pictures next time.

i guess that's all for now.
just nak promote my flickr je. do comment. critics' tips n tricks are mostly welcomed.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

:: "..not my cup of tea." ::

actually, it is. mine. that cup of tea. saje nak buat a catchy title for that picture.
..or maybe not.

been busy with feseni and my industrial project presentation since the previous post, only that now the presentation's over, i still have some feseni 'things' to do. tiring, but it comes with a reasonable satisfaction indeed. ::happy smile::

owh, sorry. i forgot.

'feseni' is a short term of 'festival seni' in University of Malaya. basically its kinda like an annual event(s) that have the residential colleges compete between themselves in performing arts like singing, dancing, acting, and everything in between. details are to be posted later, but expect to read them here by the end of next week.

this wednesday UM will be having the grand closing of the feseni, which is known as the the 'Malam Juara-juara'. it'll be a spectacular night, where champions of every categories(except for theater), will perform again while the winners receive their deserving prizes that night.

i'll keep the festival seni stories posted here later(?) for my beloved readers. with pictures of course. more ideas(??) and stories are inside my head right now, so you just wait. =)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

:: the circle ::

the feeling of being out of a circle is not that cool.. at all.