raya this time was interesting too, like always. but this year, there's the extra jalan2.. i'll post it up on the next post kot.. tengok la nanti..
Saturday, December 29, 2007
:: the raya haji story; #one - THE DAY ::
my raya haji this year was again celebrated at padang luas, terengganu. generally speaking, raya haji up there is much more interesting than the usual bangun pergi sembahyang raya and pergi ambil makanan/daging from the local mosque that does the korban for those who had their share of the cow/goat/camel. in the kelantan terengganu aidiladha, its all about hands-on, and always have been. talking about camels, previously the family didn't get the camel that we hoped for, so we've just settled for another cow. again.
raya this time was interesting too, like always. but this year, there's the extra jalan2.. i'll post it up on the next post kot.. tengok la nanti..
this is the cow. semangat gile die tanak mati; the legs were forced to be tied to a 4x4 vehicle to keep it from meronta-ronta-ing around and to pull it fall to the ground.

blood spraying all over. sweet~

warm blood. if im not mistaken, according to one of my uncles, amongst all previous korbans, this was the longest it took to complete(up till the last breath) the sembelih-ing process. old folks have a saying about these high spirited sacrifices; ape bendenye, aku tak igt.. but it was kinda like a good sign of.. er.. something la.. kot..
here's ayah ha, ayah su and abang sherry lapah-ing the kaki lembu.
looks kinda funny, in a gross way that is. face of death?
there's ayah chik with his famous 'kepit pisau kat kaki and pegang daging kat tangan to potong skill', and my dad mengkapak(is there such a word?) the ribs of that lembu.. or of whatever is left of it.
the sorting dept. a.k.a. 'mari bekerja sambil bercerita macam-macam dept.'
..while mirol and ayah ha looking on my dad toying around with the horns, trying to make a hulu parang. note that at the time of this post, the hulu has yet to be ready.
this is ashraf.
jaw ripped apart. (lidah lembu bakar cicah kicap cili sedap dowh~)

nope. these are not the skin. its the inside of the biggest stomach. anyone like a gut desktop background maybe?
the other internal organs. mostly visible here are the peruts. and if you look closely, there's the reproductive organ. of a male mammal.
mirol menyibuk sahaja.
little shasha struggling with her spoon.
a kolam ikan of carps nearby.
baby ain's serious pose.
the tuan rumah(ayah man), abang ros, and ayah chik waiting for the finished lembu everything dishes.
shakimi at the center of attention, as usual. babies. i'm not jealous.
another one.

my dad took these two photos. smart, huh..=)
raya this time was interesting too, like always. but this year, there's the extra jalan2.. i'll post it up on the next post kot.. tengok la nanti..
Friday, December 28, 2007
i know. i know. it has been ages since my last post. and as the short semester break is just about to be over, i finally get the reason for my sloth-like attitude in updating my blog this holidays. it is now obvious that the holidays still make a person as busy as he is, sometimes even more busier than when he/she's not on a holiday.
ironic, huh.
more things were needed to be settled here and there, rushing from point a to point b, meeting up with friends sampai subuh drinking only one teh tarik and 3 air kosong at the mamak place, or some even use the holidays to catch up with those tv series heroes, prison break, grey's. not leaving behind the koreans, japs and other favourites, making one glued to the tv(or most likely to be a monitor screen) for hours on end. those with big budgets will go on a trip to some far away places. some will try to finish their ps2 or pc games, while others with internet connection will go online 24/7 dropping comments(not testimonials) at others' profile, hoping a reply to their's in return. i can continue with the examples, but i know u guys get my point.
ni pun da merepek ntah pape ntah. tidaaaaakkk!!!
the point is, there are a lot of things that we can(or want to) do during the break.
having no fixed routine makes us want to get to do everything, cramming as many activities all at once. this usually happens to people who cant organize themselves. people like me.
okay. enough already.
the following pictures are taken at th Janda Baik area(is it?), the Perting river kalau tak silap. went on a camping trip there with my family, alongside 3 others+some cousins, a few days after i got my camera. owning the camera is still 'panas', so aku pun apa lagi..hehehee~
this is a picture at the dry kitchen area(haha..poyo je ade dry kitchen), on the first day of camping. the focus is on shasha in biru pekat, termenung ape bende ntah. also in the picture are her parents. the one partially visible with glasses is my mom(hye ma~!!), terlalu kusyuk making her rojak buah i guess..
notice the car in the background. although the road getting there is quite bumpy, and rather muddy, normal everyday cars can enter the site, unharmed =)
next here is the river near the camping site. likewise, the dark areas are deeper than those yang lagi cerah. haris in the picture was being paksa-ed to sental the periuk..kesiann..haha
that is my dad having nothing to do. kot. =P
my dad took this picture of those yang tengah main air.. semua tu tengah parking on a rock at the middle of one of those deep waters. also in the picture(from left) is haris, mirol, shahir, dira, ata, n kak nani.
this is shasha again, kat tepi je, main air. and pasir.
this is how it looked downstream.

these two pictures are of the same subject, but reveals two different colours, after applying different settings. my dad took both of them. ape setting tu aku xtau. click the picture for a bigger one-i've uploaded both pictures to suit to be used as a wallpaper, just in case. sape yang nak ntah. haha
this one has nothing to tell. ke? :: unexplained grin ::
this here is me n shahir given the honours of cooking bihun. adding anything that we think should(or actually have seen it been added somewhere by someone cooking something=p). i'm not really a bihun person, and i usually avoid eating them for no reason. but i cooked this bihun. ape ntah rase die..ahahaha=D
tired. from main air. and she's not alone~ :: yawn ::
Perting is okay as a camping site, but of course i've seen better.compensating to the ease of a family car to get in, i'd say we had a great time there=)
ironic, huh.
more things were needed to be settled here and there, rushing from point a to point b, meeting up with friends sampai subuh drinking only one teh tarik and 3 air kosong at the mamak place, or some even use the holidays to catch up with those tv series heroes, prison break, grey's. not leaving behind the koreans, japs and other favourites, making one glued to the tv(or most likely to be a monitor screen) for hours on end. those with big budgets will go on a trip to some far away places. some will try to finish their ps2 or pc games, while others with internet connection will go online 24/7 dropping comments(not testimonials) at others' profile, hoping a reply to their's in return. i can continue with the examples, but i know u guys get my point.
ni pun da merepek ntah pape ntah. tidaaaaakkk!!!
the point is, there are a lot of things that we can(or want to) do during the break.
having no fixed routine makes us want to get to do everything, cramming as many activities all at once. this usually happens to people who cant organize themselves. people like me.
okay. enough already.
the following pictures are taken at th Janda Baik area(is it?), the Perting river kalau tak silap. went on a camping trip there with my family, alongside 3 others+some cousins, a few days after i got my camera. owning the camera is still 'panas', so aku pun apa lagi..hehehee~
notice the car in the background. although the road getting there is quite bumpy, and rather muddy, normal everyday cars can enter the site, unharmed =)
Perting is okay as a camping site, but of course i've seen better.compensating to the ease of a family car to get in, i'd say we had a great time there=)
Sunday, December 9, 2007
:: restart, please... ::
thanx to zeety for her steady driving

and asrul for his kl-road-savvyness,
i am now able to start a new hobby.
got myself a secondhand camera.. a canon eos 400d to be exact. bought it directly from my cousin abg nabeel. condition is at its best, where the camera feels great at first time use. or maybe it is just the feeling of having a first camera that got me all tingling inside
for taking pictures of just about everything.. either way, i feel superb~ =D
it has been a long rest since my last post, which was done before me going back balik kampung for the previous raya puasa. which was like ages. and which i think is the main reason for people to stop dropping by my page. it is okay i guess. i got what i deserve.
been hoping that i could make this blog a little bit more visually-friendly, which cant be done before, because of the lack of a camera.
still am trying to get the hang of it. learning from senior photographers all over. reading magazines, forums, picture blogs and even still am memorizing the manual to get better pictures. hopefully readers can now get to see what i get to see, and not just from reading the craps that i blog here.. so sad that i cant put up pictures before.. and this time, hopefully it'll be a more frequently-updated blog than it was before. forgive my lack of istiqamah-ness, i'll try to fix that as soon as possible..
**lepas lame xtulis ni..rase cam da tak best da writing aku..got to practice more nih..go go ezariq~!!! =)**
and asrul for his kl-road-savvyness,
i am now able to start a new hobby.
got myself a secondhand camera.. a canon eos 400d to be exact. bought it directly from my cousin abg nabeel. condition is at its best, where the camera feels great at first time use. or maybe it is just the feeling of having a first camera that got me all tingling inside
for taking pictures of just about everything.. either way, i feel superb~ =D
been hoping that i could make this blog a little bit more visually-friendly, which cant be done before, because of the lack of a camera.

**lepas lame xtulis ni..rase cam da tak best da writing aku..got to practice more nih..go go ezariq~!!! =)**
Friday, October 12, 2007
:: raya, raya, mana ia ::

poyo je lebih.
thats what i thought of myself when i said i wanted to write more frequently on this new space but somehow turns out just the same.
busy is not an acceptable reason anymore; my industrial project (IP) friends have backed-off a bit for me since its the hari raya festive. seriously friends, if i were to mati n idop smule pun..i dont think i'd be a happy lot to repeat this paper again. fuhh fuhh la mintak simpanggggg...!!hehe~
..and being a muslim thats celebrates hari raya they understand the 'want-ful-ness' in celebrating this raya to us (..do i..?hmmm...) and somehow got them to give me a lot of space to breathe. i repeat; A LOT.
not that i am not thankful about this. its just that i don't really celebrate raya. well, atleast not like anyone else i know of. enough already.
being able to sit back and rest for a while gets me the chance to think how much this subject have consumed most of my time this whole semester. i mean, i can't even find the time to pamper myself to the world of downloaded anime fansubs. at all!! what more to update and tell the world on what's happening to me and what my mind lingers about when they happened and whatever it had to do with anything else that's usually not related directly to.
surprisingly enough i have many different stories and many (i think) interesting topics to be discussed about but somehow none of them ever made it through the internet. funny when you think that you have nothing to write about but ends up with a 3-jengkal long nothingness that looked thats mashed up to look like something. something like what i'm trying to do here. hahaha~
i think this post just serves as a something to read thing for those who think they want to read something from me. hope this'll ease my brains out about this blog thing for a while.
and i think it makes a good warm-up post for my next (supposed to be) entries to come. there's 3 big posts in their drafting work. been week actually. nanti-lah.
till then,
samat ari raye to all~~
maaf zahir batin.
Friday, October 5, 2007
:: contractor lembap~

hmmm. finally. =)
this is my first post here at blogspot.
quite a nice place, if i may say so myself.
like the flexible configurations.
so i'll just let the constructions work to finish first, then only i'll start to go blogging boinkboink at this new place.
hope everything'll turn out nicely.
till then, another wait awaits. hahaha!! =P
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