i know. i know. it has been ages since my last post. and as the short semester break is just about to be over, i finally get the reason for my sloth-like attitude in updating my blog this holidays. it is now obvious that the holidays still make a person as busy as he is, sometimes even more busier than when he/she's not on a holiday.
ironic, huh.
more things were needed to be settled here and there, rushing from point a to point b, meeting up with friends
sampai subuh drinking only one
teh tarik and 3
air kosong at the
mamak place, or some even use the holidays to catch up with those tv series heroes, prison break, grey's. not leaving behind the koreans, japs and other favourites, making one glued to the tv(or most likely to be a monitor screen) for hours on end. those with big budgets will go on a trip to some far away places. some will try to finish their ps2 or pc games, while others with internet connection will go online 24/7 dropping comments(not testimonials) at others' profile, hoping a reply to their's in return. i can continue with the examples, but i know u guys get my point.
ni pun da merepek ntah pape ntah.
the point is, there are a lot of things that we can(or want to) do during the break.
having no fixed routine makes us want to get to do everything, cramming as many activities all at once. this usually happens to people who cant organize themselves. people like me.
okay. enough already.
the following pictures are taken at th Janda Baik area(is it?), the Perting river
kalau tak silap. went on a camping trip there with my family, alongside 3 others+some cousins, a few days after i got my camera. owning the camera is still '
panas', so
aku pun apa lagi..hehehee~

this is a picture at the dry kitchen area(haha..
poyo je ade dry kitchen), on the first day of camping. the focus is on
shasha in
biru pekat, termenung ape bende ntah. also in the picture are her parents. the one partially visible with glasses is my mom(hye ma~!!),
terlalu kusyuk making her
rojak buah i guess..
notice the car in the background. although the road getting there is quite bumpy, and rather muddy, normal everyday cars can enter the site, unharmed =)

next here is the river near the camping site. likewise, the dark areas are deeper than those
yang lagi cerah.
haris in the picture was being
paksa-ed to
sental the

that is my dad having nothing to do.
kot. =P

my dad took this picture of those
yang tengah main air..
semua tu tengah parking on a rock at the middle of one of those deep waters. also in the picture(from left) is
ata, n
kak nani.

this is
shasha again,
kat tepi je, main air. and

this is how it looked downstream.

these two pictures are of the same subject, but reveals two different colours, after applying different settings. my dad took both of them.
ape setting
tu aku xtau. click the picture for a bigger one-i've uploaded both pictures to suit to be used as a wallpaper, just in case.
sape yang nak ntah. haha

this one has nothing to tell.
ke? :: unexplained grin ::

this here is me n
shahir given the honours of cooking
bihun. adding anything that we think should(or actually have seen it been added somewhere by someone cooking something=p). i'm not really a
bihun person, and i usually avoid eating them for no reason. but i cooked this
ape ntah rase die..ahahaha=D

tired. from
main air. and she's not alone~ :: yawn ::
Perting is okay as a camping site, but of course i've seen better.compensating to the ease of a family car to get in, i'd say we had a great time there=)
1 comment:
wasn't really a bihun person either. but i tried cooking bihun last year and liked it eversince. ok, i only like the bihun i cook myself. :P
p.s. lama nye aku x gi camping!! xde gang la..
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