thanx to
zeety for her steady driving

asrul for his kl-road-savvyness,

i am now able to start a new hobby.
got myself a secondhand camera.. a canon eos 400d to be exact. bought it directly from my cousin
abg nabeel. condition is at its best, where the camera feels great at first time use. or maybe it is just the feeling of having a first camera that got me all tingling inside
for taking pictures of just about everything.. either way, i feel superb~ =D

it has been a long rest since my last post, which was done before me going back
balik kampung for the previous
raya puasa. which was like ages. and which i think is the main reason for people to stop dropping by my page. it is okay i guess. i got what i deserve.
been hoping that i could make this blog a little bit more visually-friendly, which cant be done before, because of the lack of a camera.

still am trying to get the hang of it. learning from senior photographers all over. reading magazines, forums, picture blogs and even still am memorizing the manual to get better pictures. hopefully readers can now get to see what i get to see, and not just from reading the craps that i blog here.. so sad that i cant put up pictures before.. and this time, hopefully it'll be a more frequently-updated blog than it was before. forgive my lack of
istiqamah-ness, i'll try to fix that as soon as possible..
lepas lame xtulis ni..rase cam da tak best
da writing to practice more
nih..go go ezariq~!!! =)**
yeay for 2things..
1st,kamu da restart bloging
n olso bley tgk gmbar2 sket..
bagus2..slalu2 le post
wei, pe cite gamba team kompang kami?
mantap x?
truskn usaha ko wat post begamba
xde la bosan baca2 jak
ngeh3.. :P
fotoshop, fotopage, fotobook.. eh..facebook.
p.s. act tatau ape nk comment tp nk comment gak :p keep on blogging ok.
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